Leonore Russell in Her Garden City Studio
Every teacher knows there are developmental steps in childhood and adolescence. In Waldorf schools, this is taken seriously and there is ongoing work to match the methods of teaching to the child’s development.
This usually continues until the student leaves the school. And then what? There is another step: working with adults, our peers, trainings for jobs, learning in higher education, and collaborating on projects, which all have their own challenges. First developed by Annemarie Ehrlich of the Hague, this approach to “social” eurythmy has many methods for teaching adults that help deepen capacities for working together. This short course will introduce several exercises and explore them with the group.
The course is open to eurythmists, teachers, farmers, administrators, and consultants.
Course Fee: $60
For additional information, please email marta@eurythmy.org.
Leonore Russell is an experienced eurythmist and Waldorf teacher with a long association with the Center for Anthroposophy. She specializes in Eurythmy in the Working Life and has collaborated with the Center to form the Eurythmy Teacher Education Program as well as the High School Teacher Education Program. She taught in both programs before working with Torin Finser in the Collaborative Leadership programs for Waldorf Administrators and Faculties. During 2013-2017, she taught with Douglas Gerwin in the High School Teacher Training in San Paulo, Brazil.
She presently collaborates with the courses for the CFA Waldorf Administrators (Waldorf Leadership and Administrators’ Program).
Leonore has been a consultant for Waldorf schools, a member of the AWSNA Pedagogical Mentors Seminar, and AWSNA Mexico Committee. Her work comes from a long career in teaching at Adelphi University and the Waldorf School of Garden City. She works in higher education and businesses to motivate and empower adults. She has an art studio where she paints and teaches children and adults. An avid gardener, she is now Director of the Education and Farm Advisory Chair at Crossroads Farm, Nassau Land Trust, in Malverne, NY.
For additional information about the course,
please email marta@eurythmy.org.